Hygge: in your bedroom


HYGGE mornings are nothing better than waking up to a slow coffee and newspaper..It sounds little old fashioned but the smell of the fresh prints ahh!!!nostalgic!!Or imagine a sunday morning with breakfast in bed and a good book to dive in afterwards!!That’s definitely my kind of HYGGE .I have always loved staying in bed  because it cuts the mundane and lets you into your private zone and that’s the reason to create a hygge sanctuary in your bedroom!!I will help you make your bedroom space wrap like a warm cozy hug!!!

Choose relaxing colors

Colors have an enormous impact on us, physiologically, emotionally and physically. so before adding furnitures to your bedroom choose a suitable color palette that appeals you. Colors like calming greys, deep blues, creamy whites and pastels are well known for their soothing effects and brings balance and  inner peace. Always set goals to give your eyes a break from over stimulation by selection just 3 colors in your color scheme on a muted backdrop.This might reflect like a soft muted white walls with grey upholstered wooden furniture with pastel elements /accessories, vice-versa .

Overall luxuriate a bedroom oasis which is a treat for your mind, body and soul!!!!!

Spur some cozy otium furniture!!!

Hygge in your bedroom revolves around the bed and other conceptualised bedroom elements. It depends upon what kind of setup you want in your bedroom like bold or subtle. There are variety of bedroom furniture to select from our store.we have plethora of bedroom collection which indulge serenity and sophistication .For additional coziness jazz up with dash of OTIUM LIVING decadence in your bedside table. Hygge furniture is all about comfort with style!!!Otium living has a wide range of collection to infuse furniture to impact your space!!!

Simplified lighting and accessories

Lighting has this magical power over space and our mood. To create the best hygge lighting in your bedroom always select lamps and lights carefully. Try placing them strategically to create pools of light. And lets not forget that the light has to shine on something amazing, so find your very own wooden art pieces at our store. who doesn’t the flickering lights and cozy atmosphere that candles create?Dont give up your candle-habits, though!! Sensational feeling of soft, flickering candles giving a warm and cozy light adds charm to make your bedroom a hyyge delight.
